“No Hard Feelings” offers a refreshing entry in the raunchy comedy genre, providing a hilarious and heartfelt experience. Jennifer Lawrence shines in a role that showcases her impressive comedic talents, while Andrew Barth Feldman delivers standout moments alongside her. The film follows Maddie Baker, a desperate woman trying to save her childhood home by helping a socially awkward young man named Percy Becker come out of his shell. The dynamic between Maddie and Percy evolves throughout the story, as they learn from each other and develop a genuine connection. The performances of Lawrence and Feldman, along with the humorous supporting roles of Benanti and Broderick, elevate the film. “No Hard Feelings” strikes a balance between crude humor and meaningful character growth, making it an enjoyable watch for those seeking a raunchy comedy with heart. Visit flixtor to for more!
No Hard Feelings
| June 23, 2023 (United States)
Director: Gene StupnitskyWriter: Gene Stupnitsky, John PhillipsStars: Jennifer Lawrence, Andrew Barth Feldman, Laura Benanti
Summary: On the brink of losing her home, Maddie finds an intriguing job listing: helicopter parents looking for someone to bring their introverted 19-year-old son out of his shell before college. Sh... Read all
Countries: United StatesLanguages: English