“Ferrari,” directed by Michael Mann, offers a meticulous exploration of Enzo Ferrari’s character, unraveling the complexities of a man driven by an unrelenting pursuit of success. Adam Driver’s performance is both chilling and nuanced, embodying Ferrari’s constant dance with disaster. Set in 1957, the film delves into Ferrari’s struggle to maintain control over his revolutionary automotive empire amidst personal and professional turmoil. Penelope Cruz’s portrayal of Laura, Ferrari’s wife, adds emotional weight to the narrative, particularly in the aftermath of their son’s loss. Impeccable craftsmanship, including Erik Messerschmidt’s cinematography and Pietro Scalia’s editing, elevates “Ferrari” into the ranks of the best-made films of the year. The film artfully navigates the themes of legacy, loss, and the intense world of racing. Visit flixtor to for more!
| December 25, 2023 (United States)
Director: Michael MannWriter: Troy Kennedy Martin, Brock YatesStars: Adam Driver, Shailene Woodley, Giuseppe Festinese
Summary: Set in the summer of 1957, with Enzo Ferrari's auto empire in crisis, the ex-racer turned entrepreneur pushes himself and his drivers to the edge as they launch into the Mille Miglia, a trea... Read all
Countries: United States, United Kingdom, Italy, ChinaLanguages: English